logging problem: logging to both /var/log/amavisd.log and to /var/log/messages

listsb-amavis at bitrate.net listsb-amavis at bitrate.net
Thu Jul 17 05:19:52 CEST 2014

On Jul 16, 2014, at 22.36, David Gessel <gessel at blackrosetech.com> wrote:

> Amavisd is logging to both the intended /var/log/amavisd.log and to
> /var/log/messages, where it dominates the logs to a degree that makes
> catching other issues more difficult.
> My relevant config is:
> $log_level = 0;              # verbosity 0..5, -d  SET TO ZERO NORMALLY
> $log_recip_templ = undef;    # disable by-recipient level-0 log entries
> $do_syslog = 1;              # log via syslogd (preferred)
> $syslog_facility = 'local0';   # Syslog facility as a string
>           # e.g.: mail, daemon, user, local0, ... local7
> # below is an attempt to keep amavisd from logging to messages
> # $LOGFILE = "/var/log/amavisd.log”;

consult your syslog configuration.  see where messages sent to the local0 syslog facility are being written, and adjust that as desired.  you may want to use a different facility if there are logs from other software also being sent to local0.


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