How do I release an email from SQL quarantine?
Benedict White
Benedict.White at
Tue Aug 6 23:32:47 CEST 2013
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Scotter [mailto:amavis-users at]
Sent: 06 August 2013 21:11
To: Benedict White; amavis-users at
Subject: Re: How do I release an email from SQL quarantine?
# amavisd-release
Not enough arguments
amavisd-release version 2
Usage: $ amavisd-release mail_file [secret_id [alt_recip1 alt_recip2 ...]]
or to read request lines from stdin: $ amavisd-release -
You need to specifiy the mail id and the secrit id (if auth_required_release is set to one in your amavisd policy, which it appears to be).
# amavisd-release 9aWgrIHlPPNR xBO71beqkObS (where 9aWgrIHlPPNR is a mail id and xBO71beqkObS is the messages secret id)
Many thanks, that appears to work, and indeed work well, though I still have an issue with windows executable files ending up not being
executable after release from quarantine regardless of where the email was stored in an sql database or a local file.
Kind regards
Benedict White
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