AW: Submitting spam mail for training SA

Nikolaos Milas nmilas at
Thu Dec 13 11:00:19 CET 2012

On 13/12/2012 10:54 πμ, Linus Haake wrote:

> <replied off-list>
> you can use spam-source provided by daedalus software to submit the mails attached do a new mail to the some ham or spam mailbox on the mta.
> Finally extract content of the mbox via mimedecode and sa-learn from the extracted content.

Thanks Linus,

This Outlook add-on looks promising. I will test it. (Note that we are 
using maildir rather than mbox, so extracting will not be needed.)

It seems that this add-on will produce a file (in a maildir mailbox) 
ready for training. If so, I am wondering whether there exist similar 
add-ons for other common mail client software mainly Thunderbird, 
Windows Live Mail, Mac Mail (or whatever Apple calls it). This would be 
nice, because otherwise we would have to process mails (submitted by 
such clients) to get eml attachments.


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