Quarantine AND pass through?

Ralf Hildebrandt Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
Thu Dec 13 10:10:45 CET 2012

> >The virus_quarantine_to and spam_quarantine_to enable the quarantine,
> >no matter what  the final_*_destiny is
> OK. So (to rephrase), when final_*_destiny is D_REJECT *and* the
> quarantine is enabled, then spam/virus messages get quarantined and
> deleivered as well?

No. In that case it gets rejected and quarantined. If you want to
deliver it anyway, you'd need to use D_PASS.

> Quarantine works as is (with *_quarantine_method settings only).

Good to know; my settings are a bit old.

> According to the docs: "The *quarantine_to is currently quite limited
> in functionality, it is often used only to turn off the quarantining
> for some user or local subdomain."

> Currently I am not excluding any user, but I would be interested in
> doing so. How can we set *quarantine_to in order to *exclude*
> "jack at example.com" and "john at example.com"?

Don't know that.

Ralf Hildebrandt                   Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin
ralf.hildebrandt at charite.de        Campus Benjamin Franklin
http://www.charite.de              Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT, Abt. Netzwerk fon: +49-30-450.570.155

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