Can't specify sa_dsn_cutoff_level in a policy bank?

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Wed Nov 23 21:10:48 CET 2011


> > Use this instead:
> >   spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps => [ 13 ],
> I have tried that, and it is recognized.  However, it doesn't
> give me the behavior I want...  I am sending test email with GTUBE, so
> the spam score is over 1000.  The only way I have found to not suppress
> the DSN is by setting $sa_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level over 1000.
> However, I can't set this in a policy map.  I can set
> spam_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level_maps or spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps,
> but neither prevents the DSN from being suppressed.  How do I get this
> behavior to be different for a policy bank if it isn't recognized?

All these parameters are members of policy banks, they can all
be set there:

   spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps => [ 13 ],
   spam_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps => [ 13 ],
   spam_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level_maps => [ 13 ],
   spam_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps => [ 13 ],


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