Priority on white/black lists

Michael Scheidell michael.scheidell at
Fri Dec 16 03:17:45 CET 2011

On 12/15/11 10:36 AM, Miguel Fernandes wrote:
> Hello!
> I need to have some sort of priority in black/white lists, but 
> currently this field is in the mailaddr table...,
> so I can't have different priorities per recipient right?
> I'm thinking on creating a priority field in the table wblist, to have 
> a priority per wblist entry, mainly to prioritize white lists.
actually, the entry in the wb field doesn't need to be a 'w' or a 'b' 
(if I remember correctly)
you can set it as a -100 for whitelist, and, say, +50 in b.
> Can this this be achieved by some other way?
> How does a domain w/b list affect that domain's recipients? How can we 
> know the priority order in the case we have both domain w/b lists and 
> recipient's w/b lists?
> Thanks!

Michael Scheidell, CTO
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