Kaspersky Security amavis

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Tue May 23 09:21:49 CEST 2023

On 22.05.23 08:33, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
>Has anyone integrated Kaspersky Security with amavis?
>This is the url I followed.
>I did it. But I get below erros.
>2023 May 22 08:04:56 server amavis[1769]:(01769-04) (!)connect to
>/var/run/klms/rds_av failed, attempt #1: Can't connect to a UNIX socket
>/var/run/klms/rds_av: Permission denied
>2023 May 22 08:04:57 server amavis[1769]:(01769-04) (!)Kaspersky Security
>8.0 for Linux Mail Server: All attempts (1) failed connecting to
>/var/run/klms/rds_av, retrying (2)
>2023 May 22 08:11:57 server amavis[1768]:(01768-05) (!)Kaspersky Security
>8.0 for Linux Mail Server av-scanner FAILED: run_av error: Too many retries
>to talk to /var/run/klms/rds_av (All attempts (1) failed connecting to
>/var/run/klms/rds_av) at (eval 132) line 659.\n
>Here is the permission.
>ls -al /var/run/klms/rds_av
>srw-rw---- 1 kluser klusers 0 May 17 01:35 /var/run/klms/rds_av

you must have read/execure permissions for /var/run/klms/ directory too.

ls -la /var/run/klms/

>some additional info.
># id amavis
>uid=996(amavis) gid=993(amavis) groups=993(amavis),991(klusers)

this should help if the /var/run/klms/ has 'rx' permissions for group 

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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