Defanging with Altermine - Any Way to Add Text for Stripped Attachments

Kelly Marchewa kmarchewa at
Wed Mar 23 14:29:30 CET 2022


I am needing the ability to (a) strip particular "blocked" attachments 
and (b) notify the user in the email bod, or through at text attachment, 
which attachments (the file name(s)) have been removed.

I know that amavis allows one to "defang" emails by stripping the 
attachments using altermime. I also see there is a way to pass args to 
altermime during the defanging process. However, while the stripping of 
attachments works just fine, I see no way to notify the user which 
attachments have been stripped. How might this be achieved through 
amavis (whether through altermime or another means)?


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