Undesired ban of text mail

Damian amavis at arcsin.de
Sun Dec 12 00:44:22 CET 2021

> p.path BANNED:1 user3 at noa.gr: "P=p001,L=1,M=text/plain,T=exe", matching_key="(?^:^\\.(exe|lha|cab|dll|gz|tgz|lzh)$)"
> But the mail is simple text. Why is it getting dropped?

Use a $log_level of at least 4 to see the type_long that resulted in an exe type_short, e.g.:

> (3882952-01) lookup [map_full_type_to_short_type] => true,  "UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines" matches, result="txt", matching_key="(?^i:^UTF.* Unicode text\\b)"
> (3882952-01) File-type of p001: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines; (txt)

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