greylist from spamassassin score?

Brian J. Murrell brian at
Wed Jul 24 14:42:59 CEST 2019


I am finding that my e-mail address must be on some spammer lists
higher than some of the higher profile spam blacklists and as such when
I get delivery of the spam, it scores pretty low.  But if I re-score it
just a few minutes later, when the mail has finally been delivered and
processed by some of the larger DNSBLs, it scores much higher.

I wonder if Amavis has the ability to effect that quarantine-and-re-
score mechanism.

That is, I want to define two thresholds.  One threshold indicates spam
which any e-mail exceeding is discarded.  A second, lower threshold
indicates "possibly spam" which Amavis then quarantines for some
defined period of time, say, 15 minutes, and then rescans.  If the spam
threshold is met, it is discarded as usual, but if it's not met, the
mail is released.

Even nicer would be to keep mail in the quarantine, scanning every, say
5 minutes, until it either reaches the spam threshold or stops
increasing in score (where "increase" is defined to be some value. 
maybe .5, or something).

I'm not at all interested in single-stage quarantine where users have
to go release their messages from quarantine.  I want the quarantine-
releasing to happen automatically as described above.  While I can
accept that automated quarantine-and-release is not suitable for
viruses, it should be suitable for spam as described above.  I'm not
planning on doing virus scanning, just spam-scoring with SpamAssassin
so fully automated hold-and-release is fine for me.

Is Amavis capable of anything like this?


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