
Dino Edwards dino.edwards at mydirectmail.net
Fri Jul 12 20:10:15 CEST 2019


I don’t have direct experience, since I’ve never used it that way.

Additionally, as far as I understand, the Postfix Before-Queue setup is not recommended for amavisd-new since there is a risk of mail loss if amavis fails among other things and I’ve had it fail before with some message that amavis simply didn’t like (Russian language emails)

Any particular reason why you use it that way?

From: Gregory Sloop [mailto:gregs at sloop.net]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 1:48 PM
To: Dino Edwards <dino.edwards at mydirectmail.net>; Curtis Vaughan <curtis at npc-usa.com>; amavis-users at amavis.org
Subject: Re: whitelist


IIRC the following doesn't work if Amavis is set in postfix as a pre-accept filter, right?
[It seems I looked at doing it this way, but since we use Amavis as a pre MTA-accpet filter, this wasn't even an option. Just wanting to confirm...]


DE> Here's how to do it with BONUS blacklist:

DE> In postfix /etc/postfix/main.cf set the following for whitelist senders:

DE> smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access
DE> hash:/etc/postfix/amavis_senderbypass

DE> In the /etc/postfix/amavis_senderbypass file enter email
DE> addresses and/or domains you wish to whitelist (one per line) as follows:

DE> bob at example.com<mailto:bob at example.com>  FILTER amavis:[]:10030
DE> example2.com  FILTER amavis:[]:10030

DE> Ensure you postmap the file and reload postfix

DE> In Amavis /etc/amavis/conf/50_user set the following to whitelist
DE> recipients (ensure port 10030 is available in your system):

DE> $inet_socket_port = [10021, 10030];

DE> # This policy will bypass ALL checks.
DE> read_hash(\%whitelist_sender, '/etc/amavis/white.lst');
DE> @whitelist_sender_maps = (\%whitelist_sender);

DE> $interface_policy{'10030'} = 'BYPASSALLCHECKS';
DE> $policy_bank{'BYPASSALLCHECKS'} = { # mail from the pickup daemon
DE>     log_level => 5,
DE>     bypass_spam_checks_maps   => ['@whitelist_sender_maps'],  # don't spam-check this mail
DE>     bypass_banned_checks_maps => ['@whitelist_sender_maps'],  # don't banned-check this mail
DE>     bypass_header_checks_maps => ['@whitelist_sender_maps'],  # don't header-check this mail
DE>     bypass_virus_checks_maps  => ['@whitelist_sender_maps'],  # don't virus-check this mail
DE> };

DE> In /etc/amavis/white.lst enter the the SAME senders and/or
DE> domains as you set in the /etc/postfix/amavis_senderbypass file
DE> from above but without the  "FILTER amavis:[]:10030" part as follows (one per line):

DE> bob at example.com<mailto:bob at example.com>
DE> example2.com

DE> So basically this tells postfix that any sender matching the list
DE> to inject to Amavis at port 10030 and then Amavis has an interface
DE> policy at 10030 where it takes action according to the policy
DE> settings. You can adjust the Amavis policy as you see fit. In the
DE> example above, it bypasses ALL checks (spam, banned, header and virus) checks.

DE> Here's the blacklist (much simpler)

DE> In /etc/amavis/conf/50_user set the following:

DE> # Blacklist Senders
DE> @blacklist_sender_maps=(read_hash(\%blacklist_sender, '/etc/amavis/black.lst'));

DE> And populate /etc/amavis/black.lst with senders you wish to block.

DE> There is also a way to do a sender to recipient block/allow but
DE> that only bypasses spam checks and it's a bit more complicated to
DE> set. I can send you info on that if you want.

DE> Thanks

DE> -----Original Message-----
DE> From: amavis-users
DE> [mailto:amavis-users-bounces+dino.edwards=mydirectmail.net at amavis.org] On Behalf Of Curtis Vaughan
DE> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 4:38 PM
DE> To: amavis-users at amavis.org<mailto:amavis-users at amavis.org>
DE> Subject: whitelist

DE> I have been unable for a very long time now to figure out how to
DE> whitelist certain email address or domains.
DE> I have found several different blogs/help sites that "provide" an
DE> answer, but none of them have ever worked.
DE> Creating whitelists for postfix that referred to by main.cf
DE> definitely haven't worked. Another "solution" involved including a
DE> line in main.cf that basically tried to bypass amavis.
DE> Anyhow, I feel I'm approaching the solution in either case the
DE> wrong way as they concentrate on postfix and not amavis.
DE> Hopefully someone can't point me in the right direction?
DE> Thanks!

DE> I'm using postfix with amavis on ubuntu.

Gregory Sloop, Principal: Sloop Network & Computer Consulting
Voice: 503.251.0452 x82
EMail: gregs at sloop.net<mailto:gregs at sloop.net>
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