Recommended web UI for Amavisd quarantine?

Rich Wales richw at
Wed Jul 10 08:33:51 CEST 2019

I appreciate all the suggestions so far for MailZu replacements.  If
anyone has additional ideas, by all means please mention them.

In the meantime, I am wondering if there is any way for me either to
tell PHP 7.2 to be more backward-compatible with PHP 5, or else to run
my current MailZu code until I can choose and implement a replacement.
Some of the PHP errors I am now getting when I try to run MailZu seem to
be due to PHP 5 features that no longer work in PHP 7.  I am not very
familiar at all with PHP, so any hand-holding from people who do know
PHP would be greatly appreciated here.

Rich Wales
richw at

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