reload or restart after spamassassin/ change?

Martin Johannes Dauser mdauser at
Wed Apr 17 11:20:02 CEST 2019

Amavis is the SA daemon substitute. You can say, you have a SA daemon
but it's not the standard daemon from the SA project. That's why you
need to restart the amavis daemon which took over this role.

On Wed, 2019-04-17 at 09:57 +0100, Dominic Raferd wrote:
> Just wanted to double check this, because it is counter-intuitive to
> me. I thought amavis called SA 'from scratch' each time it wanted to
> use it, so any change in SA config would be picked up immediately
> (because SA must reload its config each time it is called by amavis as
> there is no running SA daemon). If that is not the case, can someone
> explain why?

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