Proxy protocol support

Benny Pedersen me at
Fri Oct 31 06:15:24 CET 2014

On October 30, 2014 8:12:15 PM Tom Sommer <mail at> wrote:

> --> postfix (in, port 25) --> haproxy --> amavisd --> postfix (in, port
> 10025)

Imho amavisd have hidded featuere to use client-ip to send back to if you 
replace postfix server ip with a *, postfix does only need a hostname with 
multiple ip to have loadbalancing, and amavisd send answers back to client-ip

> But amavisd doesnt know what postfix server to return the mail to (I
> have multiple, but want central amavis cluster), because it only sees
> the haproxy IP.
> Does that make sense? :)

Try amavisd-milter with a central amavisd :)

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