How does one enable AMaViS debugging for SpamAssassin with minimal interruption in a production environment?

Rob Sterenborg (lists) lists at
Fri Jan 11 09:23:05 CET 2013

On 01/10/2013 10:38 PM, Ben Johnson wrote:
> I have a need to enable AMaViS's SpamAssassin debugging facilities on a
> production server (i.e., "amavisd -d dns,uri,uridnsbl debug-sa").
> How is this done with minimal interruption to amavis, and mail delivery,
> overall?
> I have tried starting amavisd-new with "amavisd-new debug-sa", but the
> process appears to terminate after the first message is processed:
> Jan 10 13:31:16.970 /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[14043]: (14043-01)
> Requesting process rundown after 1 tasks (and 1 sessions)
> Jan 10 13:31:16.971 /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[14043]: (14043-01)
> extra modules loaded: unicore/lib/gc_sc/, unicore/lib/gc_sc/
> Jan 10 13:31:16.972 /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[14043]: (14043-01)
> Net::Server: 2013/01/10-13:31:16 Server closing!
> Presumably, this is by design.
> If there is a better means by which to achieve the objective, I'm all ears.

Put this in amavisd.conf and restart amavisd-new:

$sa_debug = 1; # Enable SpamAssassin debugging


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