Spam Quarantined mail can be used as Spamassassin ham?

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Tue Sep 11 19:50:49 CEST 2012


> I understand that. My question is whether the message file, as stored is 
> amavis spam quarantine dir, is in a format suitable for use by sa-learn.

Yes, should be fine.

The sa-learn will ignore X-Spam-* header fields.

The presence of Delivered-To, X-Envelope-To, X-Envelope-To-Blocked
and X-Quarantine-ID fields shouldn't be a problem, even though
bayes may store these as tags.

> So, if I copy some messages (which I consider ham) from 
> /var/blockedmail/spam/ to /path/to/ham/folder/ and I run:
>     sa-learn --ham /path/to/ham/folder
> will sa-learn understand these files correctly and process them without 
> problems for training?

Yes. Some older versions of sa-learn needed an option --dir when
given a directory as an argument.


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