'X-Envelope-From' missing in 2.7.0 ?

Amedeo Rinaldo bajodel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 18:16:22 CET 2012

Il 02/02/2012 17:26, Mark Martinec ha scritto:
> Amavisd always places the Return-Path line at the top of a quarantined
> message. Are you seeing the "Return-Path:<MAILER-DAEMON>" as the
> first line, or somewhere later down in a quarantined message?

First line..

-- -- --
Return-Path: <MAILER-DAEMON>
Delivered-To: honeypot+quarantine at example.com
Received: from localhost (localhost [])
     by mx20.example.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id C275540781
     for <honeypot+quarantine at example.com>; Fri, 27 Jan 2012 02:41:15 
+0100 (CET)
X-Envelope-To: <user at domain.tld>
X-Envelope-To-Blocked: <user at domain.tld>
X-Quarantine-ID: <C6zUX4OvS8l8>
X-Spam-Level: ********
.. ..
-- -- --

And now, following the 'C275540781' postfix queue id..

-- -- --
Jan 27 02:41:15 mx20 postfix/qmgr[24052]: C275540781: from=<>, 
size=4793, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
-- -- --

So, now we know the sender is the "null sender".

> Btw, what type of quarantining do you use (one file per message,
> one mbox file for all quarantined messages, sql, ...)?

one file per message

> If it is indeed the first line, I suggest to find the corresponding log entry
> made by postfix to see what the MTA got as a sender address.
> Amavisd does not turn a null sender address into a "MAILER-DAEMON".

so ..who ? :-)

> The only exception is when quarantining to a unix mbox file
> (one file for all quarantined messages), where the mbox separator
> line would look like "From MAILER-DAEMON ...timestamp..." for a
> null sender address, but this does not affect the Return-Path line.
>    Mark

so, not my scenario.

any ideas ?


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