restarting amavis as Postfix SMTP proxy

Patrick Ben Koetter p at
Tue Apr 24 21:08:51 CEST 2012

Hi Florian,

* Florian Effenberger <floeff at>:
> I run amavisd-new as Postfix SMTP proxy. When I update my SpamAssassin
> setup with sa-update, I have to restart amavisd in order to have the
> new rules in effect. This only seems to be possible by using the
> restart or force-reload command. However, during a timeframe of about
> 10 seconds or so, any incoming SMTP connection will trigger a Queue
> file write error, since the proxy is not reachable.
> Is there any smarter way to have the new rules loaded, or is it best
> to first stop Postfix, restart amavis and then start Postfix again? Or
> does it make sense to play with the timeout values instead?

which version of amavis are you using? Current versions of amavis know a real
"reload" command, that will keep up service without any interruptions.

p at rick

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