Amavis just stops and exits

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Fri Apr 20 19:52:20 CEST 2012


> I have a fedora15 server with amavisd-new-2.6.6-1 and
> spamassassin-3.3.2-7 and occasionally amavisd just exits and has to be
> restarted. I've found this in the logs:
> Apr 20 09:35:29 mail amavis[28255]: (28255-15-5) Requesting process
> rundown after 20 tasks (and 15 sessions)
> Apr 20 09:35:29 mail amavis[28255]: (28255-15-5) smtp session rundown
> all sessions, idle 2.1 s, smtp:[]:10025, state ehlo
> Apr 20 09:35:29 mail amavis[28255]: (28255-15-5) smtp session rundown,
> sending QUIT
> Apr 20 09:35:29 mail amavis[28255]: (28255-15-5) smtp session rundown,
> closing session smtp:[]:10025

(and one hour later)

> Apr 20 10:38:33 mail amavis[8442]: logging initialized, log level 2,
> syslog: amavis.mail
> Apr 20 10:38:33 mail amavis[8442]: Valid PID file (younger than sys
> uptime 14 6:55:00)
> Apr 20 10:38:33 mail amavis[17612]: Net::Server: 2012/04/20-10:38:33
> Server closing!
> This has only happened a few times, but I really need to figure out
> why it's happening. Perhaps it's a known bug with this version?
> How can I troubleshoot this? Is there any further information I can
> provide to help troubleshoot this?

These two events are unrelated. The "Requesting process rundown
after 20 tasks" is normal and happens when $max_requests tasks has
been processed by a child process - the child process terminates,
but Net::Server running in a parent process immediately creates
a fresh replacement process.

The second event looks loks like a normal restart: the process
17612 is shutting down, while the new 8442 is starting.
Something is sending a restart signal to amavisd, perhaps
some cron job or a log file rotator.


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