Merge request approvals

Ralph Seichter abbot at
Thu Jun 13 12:23:24 CEST 2019

* Tom Sommer:

> So the project is stale again? :)

Is it really? People have been chugging along behind the scenes. Perhaps
Patrick might provide an update after he returns from vacation.

> Would it not be better to get amavis-new on Github? People would find
> the project and contribute easier?

My take on this is that once we're ready to handle contributions, an
updated website can point to GitLab just as well as GitHub. Right now,
it would feel wrong to me to advertise how/where to contribute because
merge requests not being processed in a timely fashion tend to cause

One of the issues that drives me nuts is the unwieldy, monolithic gob
that is amavisd as of today. Making, and testing, changes is a pain,
and I believe it would be a waste of effort to handle significant
contributions before amavisd is sliced in to manageable chunks.


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