Merge request approvals

Tom Sommer mail at
Thu Jun 13 10:59:53 CEST 2019

On 2019-03-28 02:34, Ralph Seichter wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I have mentioned this individually before, but I'd like to point out
> here as well that we have not yet decided who may approve GitLab merge
> requests. Please don't be surprised or annoyed if you have contributed
> a MR and don't see it move forward. Thanks.

So the project is stale again? :)

Would it not be better to get amavis-new on Github? People would find 
the project and contribute easier?
I think it's wrong to assume that Gitlab is now the better option 
because Microsoft bought Github.

In any case, someone just needs to make a decision about stuff, and then 
we can always revert back or adapt if a better decision appears -- right 
now there is just inaction and we are not moving anywhere.


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