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<font size="2"><font face="Calibri">I am begging for help because
after many days of searching for a solution on the internet,
unfortunately without a positive result.</font></font><br>
<div class="moz-forward-container">
<div class="moz-forward-container"><font size="2"><font
face="Calibri"> I added the following entries in the
amavisd-new-2.12.2 configuration:<br>
# use userpref SQL connection from SA local.cf for ALL
@sa_userconf_maps = 'sql:';<br>
# use recipient email address as "username" in "userpref"
mySQL table<br>
@sa_username_maps = new_RE (<br>
[ qr'^([^@]+@.*)'i => '${1}' ],<br>
I am attaching the log from: amavisd debug-sa<br>
Unfortunately, I do not see why individual settings for
users from the "userpref" table are not downloaded.<br>
</font></font> </div>