Per user spamassassin bayes_path

d-amavis at d-amavis at
Tue Jan 9 17:35:48 CET 2024

Dear List,

I'm using amavisd-new-2.12.2 (20211013) and I'd like to use per-user bayes db's without running a SQL db (it's just a few users).
For that, I configured "@sa_userconf_maps" to define a custom "bayes_path" in separate SpamAssassin user configs but I got

"not parsing, administrator setting: bayes_path /var/mail/john.doe/.spamassassin/bayes"

I also searched for any placeholder that would be replaced with the username in the but I found only methods that needed a SQL db.

Is there absolutely no way to read bayes tokens from user's home dirs using the default berkdb files (even if it's slow)?
Did anyone manage to do this?

Best regards

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