How to bypass a recipient domain?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Mon Nov 27 12:45:43 CET 2023

On 27.11.23 12:16, Ulrich Hiller, MPI Astronomie wrote:
>i want to bypass amavis for a specific *recipient* domain (not sender!).
>I am not sure how to do that, because all i find is whitelisting a sender.

afaik amavis variables:


use the recipient addresses.

>I would do it on MTA level in postfix's whitelist.pcre:

MTA level is one possibility, but note that single e-mail can have multiple 
recipients, you probably don't want to bypass checks when only one of them.

I think amavis can send multiple mails when different maps are used
(haven't try this tho).

>/example\.com/ FILTER  smtp:[]:10025

This is a very bad example of using postfix maps.  This regular expressions 
matches part of address, so at would match here.

Generally, avois regular expressions unless really needed.

>Or should i do it better in amavisd.conf:
>@bypass_spam_checks_maps  = ( ['', ''], );
>Or does all this block only sender domains?
>Thanks you in advance for any hint, ulrich

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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