Feature request about sa_debug

Patrick Proniewski patrick.proniewski at univ-lyon2.fr
Tue Jun 27 12:43:01 CEST 2023

On 27 Jun 2023, at 12:00, amavis-users-request at amavis.org wrote:
>> It would be really nice to have a setting like sa_debug_sampling (or sa_debug_ratio, sa_debug_sample, etc.) taking an integer value (eg. 100) that would trigger debug logging for 1 email message every sa_debug_sampling messages (eg. 1 message every 100 messages).
>> The sampling can be fuzzy, for a sa_debug_sampling value of 100 I would not mind getting a debug output every 90 to 110 messages.
>> Another way to address that could be time-based with a setting like sa_debug_interval taking an integer value in seconds (eg. 10) that would trigger debug logging for 1 email message every sa_debug_interval seconds (eg. 1 message every 10 secondes).
> The implementation of such feature might have an impact on performance even when it is disabled. The $sa_debug level is used inside SpamAssassin to decide when to callback registered logging methods. Without monkeypatching SA, Amavis would have to run SA with enabled debugging all the time and filter-out dbg-loglines for non-sample messages afterwards.

I was under the impression that it’s already there: you can tune Amavisd-new to activate conditional debug inside SA depending on recipients address (that’s what I’m doing). I don’t understand how a change in condition (timing or number of messages) could affect performances in a more important way. 
Could you elaborate on this?

> With amavis 2.13 you can prototype it yourself. Place a modified version of Amavislog.pm inside a high-priority @INC directory, e.g:

Thanks for the code diff, I’ll take some time to understand how it works.

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