Question regarding new domains on server

Timo Brandt t.brandt at
Thu May 19 14:28:03 CEST 2022

Hi all,

I installed a new web/mailserver the last days.
OS: Debian 11
Mail config: dovecot/postfix with amavis (spamassassin, clamav...).

For a few domains, everything is working like it should.
In the mail headers I can see the spam classification etc.

For a new domain I added yesterday, the spam header entrys are not 
For this domain the only header entry is X-Virus-Scanned: Debian 
amavisd-new at

I am not aware that I added the domains used on my server directly to a 
config file.
I also searched on the internet but found nothing  if there is anything 
todo when a new domain is added to a system.

Maybe you can advise me what to do?
Do you need any config files to be shown?

Many thanks in advance,

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