Conversion to 7BIT required but not supported

Dino Edwards dino.edwards at
Sat Jan 4 16:47:01 CET 2020


I've got an odd issue on a brand new Amavis install on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm getting rejections on certain incoming e-mails. I'm hoping someone can shed some light into this:

dsn: . 550 MtaRejected <someone at> -> <someone at mydomain.tld>: on_succ=0, on_dly=1, on_fail=1, never=0, warn_sender=, DSN_passed_on=0, destiny=-3, mta_resp: "550 5.6.3 id=02074-04 - Rejected by next-hop MTA on relaying, Conversion to 7BIT required but not supported"

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