
Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Mon Jul 15 15:47:05 CEST 2019

>>A ny pre-queue process will introduce a noticable delay.  This is imposed
>> by the scan process itself.  It is the same delay you have in post-queue
>> – its just that now you get to "see" in SMTP sessions.  Clients won't
>> bother.  The typical client timeout is 600 second.  That's ten minutes a
>> client will wait for your amavis setup to get the job done.  If it hasn't
>> finished by then you have a problem – no matter if you are using a pre-
>> or a post-queue setup.

On 15.07.19 12:09, Dino Edwards wrote:
> If this setup introduces “noticable” delays for up to 10 minutes, I see
> that as a problem.  My customers will see that as a problem also.  I was
> constantly being asked why does it take so long for emails to arrive and
> gmail doesn’t take that long etc… when I was using graylisting.  So you
> must have really understanding customers.

Described rules are designed for receiving mail from the servers on the
internet (but they connect to your mail server, so from this point of view
they are called clients).

Your end-users are supposed to use alternative ports (465,587) where SSL and
authentication are mandatory and scanning is done post-queue.

Since your users are supposed to authenticate, it's much less likely that
they will spread spam and you should have their contact info, so post-queue
scanning is not that problematic as for internet clients.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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