
Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Fri Jul 12 10:38:09 CEST 2019

On 11.07.19 20:38, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
>I have been unable for a very long time now to figure out how to
>whitelist certain email address or domains.
>I have found several different blogs/help sites that "provide" an answer,
>but none of them have ever worked.
>Creating whitelists for postfix that referred to by main.cf definitely
>haven't worked. Another "solution" involved including a line in main.cf
>that basically tried to bypass amavis.
>Anyhow, I feel I'm approaching the solution in either case the wrong way
>as they concentrate on postfix and not amavis.
>Hopefully someone can't point me in the right direction?

what exactly you mean by whitelisting?

whitelisting at postfix level can skip checking for various blacklists,
avoid feeding the mail to amavis
(often can't be applied to sender address or sender domain)

whitelisting at amavis level can skip checking for spamminess, virus
scanning etc

whitelisting at spamassassin level can avoid tagging mail as spam.

note that when you whitelist sending domain at postfix or amavis level, you
can cause mail with fake address not being scanned, which may be dangerous

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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