R: Bypass spam check for message from my local domain

Dominic Raferd dominic at timedicer.co.uk
Wed Nov 7 09:59:12 CET 2018

On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 06:12, Benny Pedersen <me at junc.eu> wrote:

> Scappatura Rocco skrev den 2018-11-06 18:50:
> > Could you instruct me on how I could define ORIGINATING Policy Bank?
> https://forum.iredmail.org/topic5009-iredmail-support-disabling-oubout-amavisd-scanning.html
> dont disable amavisd for virus scanning, make the policy bank bounce
> virus to local senders

This is good advice in principle, but in my experience most of the time
taken by amavis is actually taken by child process clamav, so if you don't
disable virus scanning you don't save much time.
To kill child processes (i.e. clamav) that take too long I use
$child_timeout = 20;
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