Scoring questions

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Wed Jan 31 19:17:47 CET 2018

On 30.01.18 10:40, Computer Bob wrote:
>The Bayes clears seemed to stop the transients until this morning 
>interestingly. Now they are coming back.

this is why clearing database itself rarely helps the problem :-)

>Also I upgraded the system to 16.04 this morning and all the 
>accompanying services are upgraded as far as they will go.
>I had a few bumps getting up, but these are expected. Spamassassin 
>particularly and also some apache stuff.
>In any event, I caught one this morning with the debug and have the 
>Not sure how to post them.


>Also, with Razor installed, why no X-Spam header for it ?

did you enable razor plugin?

>Is there some setting I need to adjust to allow it ?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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