check internal mails only

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue Feb 6 09:45:48 CET 2018

On 05.02.18 17:00, René Schmidt wrote:
>I run amavisd-new with a Postfix-server. Now I am searching for a
>possibility to limit Spam- and Virus-checks to internal mails only,
>because for external Mails there will be a proxy/relay, doing this
>checks instead.

simple: don't call amavisd-new when receiving mail upstream.

Note that amavis' spam checking is oftern beter than upstreams, I prefer
upstream relay only signalling if mail is spam and do the checks by amavis
while using relay's opinion as a hint.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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