fix quar+notif FAILED: mail-dispatch: no recognized protocol name: 0

Ben Greenfield ben at
Mon Oct 30 13:30:02 CET 2017

Hey All,

I have a problem with my install of Amavisd 2.11 it seems to me that certain emails our getting clogged n my postfix queue  with the message

(host[] said 451 4.5.0 Error in processing, id=xxxxx, quar+notif  FAILED: mail-dispatch: no recognized protocol name: 0

I also have for a very long time get the message I never noticed a problem with this message so I have ignored it...

Amavis::Util, Encode::decode() taint laundering bug, fixed in Encode 2.50 at amavisd line 2951

Some messages get dleveried and other get the quar+notif error.

I’m running version 3.4.1 of spamassassin.

I wish I could give more information but I’m not that sure what I’m doing.

Any troubleshooting tips would be much appreciated.



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