submission, not originating ... for roaming, authenticated users?

Django [BOfH] django at
Tue Nov 21 19:18:41 CET 2017

Hello Karim,

Am 21.11.2017 um 14:50 schrieb Karim Malhas:

> I have spent the last few days on exactly this problem. 

;) I've spend several hours today 'bout this problem.

I diff'd one system where AMaVis works fine for me with the new one,
where AMaVis has problems to dedetect originating => 1

On my new system I've set:

$enable_dkim_verification = 0;
$enable_dkim_signing = 1;

verification is done by dkim-milter and signing should be done by amavis.

If I change $enable_dkim_verification = 1; AMaVis is able to detect
originating => 1 and will sign mails which are delivered on port 587 ;)

If I change enable_dkim_verification = 0; the problem comes back! :(

It's very strange, very very strange!

> You're probably experiencing this bug:
> Depending on your distribution the line numbers might be off.

On my system CentOS 7 there is this hint still well known:

34340   Amavis::load_policy_bank($_,$msginfo) for @bank_names;
34341   $msginfo->originating(c('originating'));
34342   $msginfo->dkim_signatures_valid(\@signatures_valid)  if
34343 # if (ll(5) && $sig_ind > 0) {
34344 #   # show which header fields are covered by which signature
34345 #   for (my $j=0; ; $j++) {
34346 #     my($f_ind,$fld) = $msginfo->get_header_field2(undef,$j);
34347 #     last if !defined $f_ind;
34348 #     my(@sig_ind) = $msginfo->header_field_signed_by($f_ind);
34349 #     do_log(5, "dkim: %-5s %s.", !@sig_ind ? '' :
'['.join(',', at sig_ind).']',
34350 #               substr($fld,0,54));
34351 #   }
34352 # }
34353 }
  +------ linenumbers of /usr/sbin/amavisd

I've put Mark Martinec's and p at ricks emailaddress to cc, so I hope one
of the real amavis gurus can solve this strange bug/feature! ;)


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