Fwd: Can Amavisd block based on Message-ID ?

Indunil Jayasooriya indunil75 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 04:57:39 CEST 2016

>> Now we can see every mail shares the string
>> clmthigeer-PC-EXC02.Fanex-us.local
> and ?
>> Can I have a Regex to block it in amavisd-new?
> sure, define the invalid part first

in this way.

[qr'.*(PC-EXC02.Fanex-us).*'i                                    => 5.0],

I hope it should be added like this.

new_RE(  # regexp-type lookup table, just happens to be all soft-blacklist
    [qr'^(bulkmail|offers|cheapbenefits|earnmoney|foryou)@'i         => 5.0],
    [qr'^(greatcasino|investments|lose_weight_today|market\.alert)@'i=> 5.0],
    [qr'^(money2you|MyGreenCard|new\.tld\.registry|opt-out|opt-in)@'i=> 5.0],
    [qr'^(optin|saveonlsmoking2002k|specialoffer|specialoffers)@'i   => 5.0],
    [qr'^(stockalert|stopsnoring|wantsome|workathome|yesitsfree)@'i  => 5.0],
    [qr'^(your_friend|greatoffers)@'i                                => 5.0],
=> 5.0],
    [qr'.*(PC-EXC02.Fanex-us).*'i                                    => 5.0],

is it OK?

> turn off html on maillists
  DID it

cat /etc/motd

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
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