clamav-scan fails because of missing temp-file

Frank Grötzner frank at
Sat Jan 30 19:35:18 CET 2016


I'm trying to setup amavis in a docker container connecting to clamav 
over tcp in another docker container. This works so far, but I have some 
strange problems with amavis and the files in its tmp-directory.

root at amavis-34crr:~# dpkg -l | grep amavis
ii  amavisd-new                  1:2.10.1-1

on a Debian 8

As you can see in the log here:
amavis creates the temp-dir in line 215, issues a new files named p001 
in line 271 and does some work on it in the following lines. As I traced 
with a
"cd /var/lib/amavis/tmp; while true; do find; done" that file actually 
exists for some time:

... but then disappears. In line 336 amavis fails to send the files to 
clamav, because they are no longer there. :-/

Last strange thing: In line 435 the directory gets stripped - but in 
fact it stays in the file system:

root at amavis-34crr:~# ls -l /var/lib/amavis/tmp/
total 4
drwxr-x--- 3 amavis amavis 4096 Jan 30 18:27 
root at amavis-34crr:~#

Any ideas on this?!

Best regards,

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