amavis, spamassassin, pyzor, razor, dcc, postfix, on fc20, not working quite right

Jernej Porenta jernej.porenta at
Wed Nov 26 07:56:25 CET 2014

On 26/11/14 04:41, David Mehler wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have this combination working? I've got the postfix server
> going and the amavis is integrated, it's tagging spam, but it's not
> tagging high enough to mark. I'm wondering if my configuration is
> wrong or incomplete? I've used fc20 rpm packages.

You can add some enhancements to your fc20 setup:
- train your spamassassin with spam and ham
- analyze your mail stream and find out, whether you can lower your spam 
limits and still maintain low FP rate
- add clamav and additional sanesecurity rules for better spam detection
- use RBL on front MX servers (postscreen + rbl with postfix)

If you want to go further, you will need to add some not-really fc20 
- add crm114/dspam learning to amavis/spamassassin
- upgrade SpamAssassin to latest version
- upgrade amavisd to latest version, where also IP reputation can be used
- write some of your own rules, where you can...

cheers, J.

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