sa_local_tests_only in policy bank

Carsten postfixer99 at
Mon Jun 30 13:02:27 CEST 2014

i am using amavisd-new  2.7.1-2 on debian wheezy.

After adding "$sa_local_tests_only = 1" to my policy-bank, i see the 
following error message:

Jun 30 12:41:20 my-mailserver amavis[25175]: () (!)loading policy bank 
"AUTH": unknown field "1"
Jun 30 12:41:20 my-mailserver amavis[25175]: () loaded policy bank "AUTH"

$policy_bank{'AUTH'} = {
      originating              => 1,
      final_spam_destiny       => D_BOUNCE,
      spam_tag2_level_maps => 10,
      spam_kill_level_maps => 10,
      final_virus_destiny      => D_REJECT,
      final_banned_destiny     => D_PASS,
      final_bad_header_destiny => D_PASS,

    # Don't use RBLChecks for authenticated users
      $sa_local_tests_only = 1,    # RBL sollte damit ignoriert werden


If I use instead
     sa_local_tests_only => 1,    # RBL sollte damit ignoriert werden

I get the error:
Jun 30 12:57:56 my-mailserver amavis[26633]: () (!)loading policy bank 
"AUTH": unknown field "sa_local_tests_only"

What's wrong here?


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