unrar-5 patch

amavis17 at iotti.biz amavis17 at iotti.biz
Wed Jun 18 12:29:18 CEST 2014

Hi all

I would like to contribute a patch to correctly parse the output of unrar
v5. Without this, mail with rar attachments arrive as ***UNCHECKED*** and
in the logs are found lines like this:

amavis[18309]: (18309-18) (!)do_unrar: can't parse info line for "
..A....    467449    410604  87%  03-03-14 15:51  F6FEDE10
Verifica.pdf\n"     ..A....     17960     15137  84%  17-06-14 16:43
D8D5EB73  Verifica.docx\n

The output of unrar v changed in v5 from something like:

                  Size   Packed Ratio  Date   Time     Attr      CRC
Meth Ver
                 33299    29956  89% 16-06-14 19:35  .....A.   D487AD2D
m3b 2.9

To something like:

Attributes      Size    Packed Ratio   Date   Time   Checksum  Name
----------- ---------  -------- ----- -------- -----  --------  ----
    ..A....     33299     29956  89%  16-06-14 19:35  D487AD2D
----------- ---------  -------- ----- -------- -----  --------  ----

The patch:

--- amavisd.orig	2012-06-30 15:43:31.000000000 +0200
+++ amavisd	2014-06-18 11:47:19.960683716 +0200
@@ -28131,6 +28131,7 @@
   my $lcnt = 0; my $member_name; my $bytes = 0; my $last_line;
   my $item_num = 0; my $parent_placement = $part->mime_placement;
   my $retval = 1; my $fn = $part->full_name; my($proc_fh,$pid);
+  my $unrarvers = 5;
   my(@common_rar_switches) = qw(-c- -p- -idcdp);  # -av-
   prolong_timer('do_unrar_pre');  # restart timer
@@ -28151,7 +28152,33 @@
       } elsif ($hypcount < 1 && $ln =~ /^Encrypted file:/) {
         do_log(4,"do_unrar: %s", $ln);
+      } elsif ($hypcount < 1 && $ln =~ /^\s+Size\s+Packed
Ratio\s+Date\s+Time\s+Attr\s+CRC/) {
+        do_log(5,"do_unrar: found unrar version < 5");
+        $unrarvers = 4;
       } elsif ($hypcount == 1) {
+       if ($unrarvers >= 5) {
+        local($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
+        if ($ln !~ /^([*
:\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
+            do_log($testing_for_sfx ? 4 : -1,
+                   "do_unrar: can't parse info line for \"%s\" %s",
+                   $member_name,$ln);
+        } else {
+          $member_name = $5;
+          if ($1 eq '*') {   # member is encrypted
+            $encryptedcount++; $item_num++;
+            # make a phantom entry - carrying only name and attributes
+            my $newpart_obj =
+              Amavis::Unpackers::Part->new("$tempdir/parts",$part);
+            $newpart_obj->mime_placement("$parent_placement/$item_num");
+            $newpart_obj->name_declared($member_name);
+            $newpart_obj->attributes_add('U','C');
+          } else {  # makes no sense extracting encrypted files
+            do_log(5,'do_unrar: member: "%s", size: %s',
+            if ($2 > 0) { $bytes += $2; push(@list, $member_name) }
+          }
+          undef $member_name;
+        }
+       } else {
         $lcnt++; local($1,$2,$3);
         if ($lcnt % 2 == 0) {  # information line (every other line)
           if ($entries_cnt++, $MAXFILES && $entries_cnt > $MAXFILES)
@@ -28178,6 +28205,7 @@
             undef $member_name;  # makes no sense extracting encrypted
+       }
     defined $ln || $! == 0 || $! == EAGAIN  or die "Error reading (1):

Thank you

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