Amavis-new with SA and userpref on SQL

Matteo Manzinello matteo at
Mon Jun 16 11:47:49 CEST 2014

Hi all,
I'm using amavis-new 2.9.0 with SA 3.3.2 on Debian Wheezy, both work 
corretly in my configuration.
Now I'm trying to use SA userpref SQL table, guide on 
"", and if I send a email 
from command line with "spamc" the rule on SQL work.
I modified amavis-new configuration, /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user, with 
below entry:

@sa_userconf_maps = (
          '.*' => 'sql:',

but when I try to send a email amavis don't read from SQL.
I'm using virtual domains and I entered this global rule on SQL:

$GLOBAL - required_hits - 5.30

Please, someone can I help me?
thank you

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