Upgrade from debian squeeze to wheezy / problems with "umlauts" in mysql logging

Mark Martinec via amavis-users amavis-users at amavis.org
Mon Sep 23 21:01:36 CEST 2013


> today i did an upgrade from squeeze to wheezy, resultin in an amavis
> update to version 2.7.1-2, and mysql is now 5.5.
> I am logging amavis mails to mysql, but after the update, german umlauts
> look like this:
> mysql> select subject from amavis.msgs where subject like "%und fusionen%" ;
> | Übernahmen und Fusionen - Schäppchenjagd für Anleger? |
> | Übernahmen und Fusionen - Schäppchenjagd für Anleger? |
> The second mail was logged before the update. Can someone please give me
> a hint what the problem could be,
> and if it is related to amavis, how to resolve this? The DB collation
> did not change.

Make sure the character set for a field msgs.subject is UTF8:

    varchar(255)  CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin  DEFAULT ''


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