Banned files are being quarantined, spam isn't

Noel Jones njones at
Fri Aug 9 19:14:09 CEST 2013

On 8/9/2013 10:58 AM, Benedict White wrote:
> I have a new Amavisd install with SQL for both lookups and storage dsn's.
> When I send a banned file through to a user with a policy that blocks it,
> It ends up in quarantine which what I would like. I can then release the mail OK
> However, when I generate a really spammy email (score over 28) it 
> Goes through, though it seems to generate a quarantined item in MailZu 
> Though releasing it doesn't do anything as presumably the mail isn't there.
> I have the following set for the policy row in the policy sql table:
> spam_tag_level  1 
> spam_tag2_level 6.31 
> spam_tag3_level 8
> spam_kill_level 10 
> spam_dsn_cutoff_level 12 
> spam_quarantine_cutoff_level 20
> What do I need to do to get seriously spammy emails into quarantine?

set spam_quarantine_cutoff_level to undef;
Your setting says don't quarantine any spam over 20.

  -- Noel Jones

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