selectively NOT archiving

Miguel Fernandes maf at
Thu Sep 13 11:20:45 CEST 2012


I've been trying this to work too.

I don't want clean emails above some size to be archived.

Michael Scheidell's code is in 'before_send', but in that point the disk 
archive is already written...

The only way I got this sort of working wast to create a new custom hook 
just before the disk archive gets written to disk:

in method do_notify_and_quarantine (before line 15737):

     my($hdr_edits) = prepare_header_edits_for_quarantine($msginfo);

#patch2 begin
     my($conn) = $msginfo->conn_obj;
     my($custom_object) = Amavis::Custom->new($conn,$msginfo);
     if (ref $custom_object) {
       my($which_section) = "custom-before_clean_quarantine";
       eval {
         do_log(0, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: '" . Dumper(@q_tuples) );
         update_current_log_level();  1;
       } or do {
         my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!";  chomp $eval_stat;
         do_log(-1,"custom before_clean_quarantine error: %s", $eval_stat);
#patch2 end
     if (@q_tuples) {


What i want to change is the @q_tuples, so there is no reference there 
to disk quarantine.

The plugin:

package Amavis::Custom;
#using amavisd-custom.conf;

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
use DBD::mysql;
my $__archive_quarantine_in;
   import Amavis::Conf qw(:platform :confvars c cr ca $myhostname
   import Amavis::Util qw(do_log untaint safe_encode safe_decode);

sub new {
  my($class,$conn,$msginfo,$q_tuples) = @_;
    my($self) = bless {}, $class;
    my($conn_h) = Amavis::Out::SQL::Connection->new(@lookup_sql_dsn);
    $self->{'conn_h'} = $conn_h;
    $self;  # returning an object activates further callbacks,

sub before_clean_quarantine{
     my($self,$conn,$msginfo,$q_tuples) = @_;
     my($ll) = 0;  # log level (0 is the most important level, 1, 2,... 
5 less o)
     my($too_large) = $msginfo->msg_size > $sa_mail_body_size_limit;
     my($is_clean) = $msginfo->is_in_contents_category( CC_CLEAN );
     #                    {CC_SPAMMY,1, CC_SPAM,1, CC_BANNED,1, 
CC_VIRUS,1} );

     do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: '" . $msginfo->mail_id ."'" );

     my($filename) = "/var/virusmails/". 
     if (-e $filename) {
         do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: file: '" . $filename ."' 
exists" );

         do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: file: '" . $filename ."' does 
not exist" );

     #message test start here!
         if ($too_large)
             do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: UNWANTED Clean message 
too big (" . $msginfo->msg_size . "k > 
".($sa_mail_body_size_limit/1024)."k) ");
             do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: ". Dumper($msginfo));
         do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: Small Clean message (" . 
$msginfo->msg_size . "k > ".($sa_mail_body_size_limit/1024)."k) OK");
         do_log($ll, "[SELECTIVE ARCHIVE]: Message is not clean");

     return @$q_tuples;


I don't know if "@$q_tuples=[]" is the best way of doing this, but it works.
There is one problem: "my($is_clean) = 
$msginfo->is_in_contents_category( CC_CLEAN );" Does not work, this 
instruction is always true even form spam messages...
I suppose that in this spot in the code, that information is not 
available yet?

What is the best way of doing this?

Thank you!

On 07/20/2011 09:46 PM, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> I have a need to selectively NOT archive clean emails under certain 
> circumstances.
> we archive clean email on some servers, NOT because we want the 
> emails, but because we want to feed VIRGIN emails back to SA for learning.
> (exchange mashes the emails and headers.. imap wasn't so bad, but ews 
> really mucks them up)
> HOWEVER, I do NOT want to archive CLEAN emails > 400K.
> (I still want to archive large viruses, attachments, and spam)
> I have (almost) got this down, but just need last step. sql queries 
> work, I can calculate size, read values, just want to DISABLE 
> archiving for LARGE clean emails (note: maybe I am doing it in the 
> wrong place, maybe I need a per-user loop.. since one users clean is 
> another users spam.. but then again, maybe the flags are set on 
> is_in_contents_category just fine)
> using amavisd-custom.conf
> use strict;
> use DBI qw(:sql_types);
> use DBD::mysql;
> my $__archive_quarantine_in;
>   import Amavis::Conf qw(:platform :confvars c cr ca $myhostname 
> $clean_quarantine_method @lookup_sql_dsn
>   $sa_mail_body_size_limit);
>   import Amavis::Util qw(do_log untaint safe_encode safe_decode);
> }
> sub new {
>  my($class,$conn,$msginfo) = @_;
>    my($self) = bless {}, $class;
>    my($conn_h) = Amavis::Out::SQL::Connection->new(@lookup_sql_dsn);
>    $self->{'conn_h'} = $conn_h;
>    $self;  # returning an object activates further callbacks,
> }
> sub before_send {
>     my($self,$conn,$msginfo) = @_;
>     my($ll) = 3;  # log level (0 is the most important level, 1, 2,... 
> 5 less so)
>     my($too_large) = $msginfo->msg_size > $sa_mail_body_size_limit;
>     my($already_quarantined) = $msginfo->is_in_contents_category(
>                    {CC_SPAMMY,1, CC_SPAM,1, CC_BANNED,1, CC_VIRUS,1} );
>     if ($too_large) {
>       if(! $already_quarantined && $clean_quarantine_method =~ /sql:/) {
>           do_log(0, "CUSTOM: UNWANTED = $msg_size"."k > 
> ".($sa_mail_body_size_limit/1024)."k");
>          # I want to NOT archive if it hits here.
>         }
> }
> -- 
> Michael Scheidell, CTO
> o: 561-999-5000
> d: 561-948-2259
> >*| *SECNAP Network Security Corporation
>   * Best Mobile Solutions Product of 2011
>   * Best Intrusion Prevention Product
>   * Hot Company Finalist 2011
>   * Best Email Security Product
>   * Certified SNORT Integrator
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap®.
> For Information please see
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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