Question about scoring with sanesecurity signatures

francis picabia fpicabia at
Wed Sep 5 20:55:36 CEST 2012

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Noel Jones <njones at> wrote:
> On 9/5/2012 12:29 PM, francis picabia wrote:
>> Many of the signatures available with sanesecurity are rated to produce
>> false positives at a "medium" rate.  Their page:
>> suggests to score the detections rather than block.
>> How can I prevent amavis from blocking (flagging as INFECTED)
>> for specific clamav databases?
>> For example, I'd like to treat scamnailer.ndb as a DB I would
>> not block based on its match.
> See the "@virus_name_to_spam_score_maps" section in amavisd.conf, or
> create such a section if it doesn't exist.  There should be a
> commented example in amavisd.conf-default and/or in the RELEASE_NOTES.
> Basically you match (part of) the virus name you're interested in
> scoring.  If there are multiple matches, the first match wins, so
> put more specific matches earlier in the file, general matches
> later.  Names not matched, or matched and scored as undef are
> treated as infected.
> @virus_name_to_spam_score_maps =
>   (new_RE(  # the order matters!
>     [ qr'^ScamNailer\.Phish'  => 5.0 ], # phish scored at 5.
>     [ qr'^ScamNailer\.'  => 4.0 ],  # others scored at 4.
>  ));
>   -- Noel Jones

That's cool.  I've seen references to this before but it was never explained
why people were setting up such clauses.  I get it now.

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