Inbound doesn't catch SaneSecurity signature, Outbound does

Noel Jones njones at
Fri Nov 16 20:27:51 CET 2012

On 11/16/2012 12:28 PM, francis picabia wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Noel Jones <njones at> wrote:
>> Without any evidence, we can only guess the problem.  My guess is
>> still that your various .ftm files don't match the headers on the
>> original file as presented to clamav, preventing clamav from
>> recognizing the file as an email message.  That's just a guess and
>> could be wrong, but the eyewitness accounts you've shared support this.
> I don't know anything about ftm files.
> This could be a little off topic for this list, but Redhat
> clamav has a :
> ls -l  /var/clamav/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 amavis amavis 5642 May  1  2008 /var/clamav/

You can safely delete the directory and contents.  It
should ignored anyway, so not likely the problem.  The current
daily.cld should be what is used.

> Maybe I can move this discussion to the clamav list?

Yes, you'll probably get more debugging help there.

  -- Noel  Jones

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