installed amavis 2.7.1 on gentoo. problem detecting eicar files.

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Wed Jul 4 17:01:10 CEST 2012


 > i installed amavis 2.7.1 on my gentoo box.
> i used the amavisd.conf that come with gentoo ebuild.
> it detects banned files as expected.
> but it doesnt detect eicar text in mailbody
> and it doesnt detect eicar test files &
> i am not very confirm with the amavis conf file.
> early days, with 2.6.5 it worked out of the box.
> can u help me to find whats wrong in config?

Rise the log level and see how decoding, and file type
detection goes. Perhaps the pattern was not
the only thing in a mail body (e.g. wrapped, signature,
html, ...).  I also heard that some virus scanners
report this pattern as a test pattern and not as
infected. Check first that your eicar file is detected
as a virus by a command line version of your virus scanner.


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