segfault amavis

Patrick Ben Koetter p at
Thu Feb 9 23:07:06 CET 2012

* Eric Smith <eric at>:
> humm, yes that looks like a candidate but no change in that either and no
> new package as well. Why monday and not the many months before? I know, too
> dang general of a question to ask, when I have the time I will try to get it
> to fail while I am looking at it with logs set to debug. In the mean time I
> will keep the setting $enable_db set to 0.
> Question, what downside is there not using berkeleyDB?
> amavisd_nanny will not work, is there any other performance issues that I
> should worry about?

Not with recent amavis. Marc faded out some knowledge sharing between amavis
child processes over a berkeleyDB in 2.7, because it has become ineffetive
over time. There's no other feature coming to my mind - at least mine!

p at rick

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