amavisd-release not working when message contains empty X-Envelope-To-Blocked

Andreas Neustifter andreas.neustifter at
Mon Oct 10 13:17:46 CEST 2011

Hi Michael!

On 5 October 2011 21:08, Michael Scheidell <michael.scheidell at> wrote:
> On 10/5/11 2:56 PM, Andreas Neustifter wrote:
> What is the process for applying a patch to amavis, is there anyone
> specific I can contact about this bug?
> this list is best.
> can you describe under what circumstances you can get an email 'blocked'
> (quarantined) but not have any X-Envelope-To-Blocked in it?

Currently spam is delivered to the user with a changed subject line.
Since this system is "on probation" I review the messages and some of
them are important enough that I would like to re-deliver them to my
users without the "*** SPAM ***" tag in the subject line.

So those messages have an empty "X-Envelope-To-Blocked" since they
where not blocked in the first place but I would like to
amavisd-release them never the less.

Does that clarify your question?


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