Development Workflow (Branching Model)

Patrick Ben Koetter p at
Mon Dec 31 13:22:09 CET 2018


please take 5 minutes, sit down, read this email, make up your mind and then
vote for one of the two alternatives presented in this email.

Since we've started to host amavis von gitlab 2 models for a development
workflow have been in discussion. I'd like to hear your opinion and vote to
settle this and be able to proceed with the next steps.

Both models are based on working with branches in git. A developer forks
amavis from a branch, creates her/his own branch, develops on that and then
creates a pull-request. Others check the request, approve it and merge the
branch into the main repo.

The models also share in common that there's a master branch, one or more
topic and/or hotfix branches.

They differ how they promote code to production level.

Whereas the simplier model directly merges topic/hotfixes into the master
branch and occasionally tags it with a release number, the other model does
not merge into master directly.

The more complex model additionally creates a second branch – next to master –
with infinite lifetime. This branch is called development.

All new features go from topic into development. If you want to develop a new
feature, you fork from development and create your own new branch.

When it is time for a new release, a new release branch is created from
development. This is where testing takes place. Once the release branch is
stable, it will be merged into master.

Personally I think: The simplier model is faster and it requires less
administration. But the second model puts more emphasis on quality and I thats
worth the price. Besides: Both models don't seem overly complicated to me.

But I don't decide this all on my own. I'd like to use a model that works for
most of us. Thus I've created an anonymous poll at Please take the 15 seconds and vote.
The ballot will be open until Wednesday, 2nd of January.

Thank you

p at rick

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Schleißheimer Straße 26/MG,80333 München
Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Marc Schiffbauer, Wolfgang Stief
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Florian Kirstein

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