segfault amavis

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Thu Feb 9 23:14:52 CET 2012


> humm, yes that looks like a candidate but no change in that either and no
> new package as well. Why monday and not the many months before? I know,
> too dang general of a question to ask, when I have the time I will try to
> get it to fail while I am looking at it with logs set to debug. In the
> mean time I will keep the setting $enable_db set to 0.

Or try upgrading libdb to a more recent version - we are now at 5.2.36
(not to forget reinstalling BerkeleyDB perl module when libdb is changed).

> Question, what downside is there not using berkeleyDB?
> amavisd_nanny will not work, is there any other performance issues that
> I should worry about?

None other than amavisd_nanny, amavisd-agent and amavisd-snmp-subagent
will not be able to get their information. Btw, I'm working on an
alternative to bdb - the ZeroMQ message passing library. My primary
motive was to avoid lock contention on updating a database, which
has serious performance implications when there are lots of amavisd
child processes running, especially when spam checks are disabled.
Looks like a way to go, it's very fast!


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